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Below shows our current properties. Check back often, as we will be adding new Properties as we grow!
Click the "More Info" button under the property to see Floor Plans and Pictures available.
Affordable housing
Market Value
1 Bedroom Units​
602 Albert Street, Strathroy
534 Albert Street, Strathroy
516 Albert Street, Strathroy
159 Main Street, Glencoe
86 Pine Street, Chatham
18 Dolsen Road, Chatham
45 Michener Street, Chatham
90 Wellington Street, Chatham
228 Dundas Street, London
22645 Adelaide Road, Mount Brydges
2 Bedroom Units​
86 Pine Street, Chatham
22645 Adelaide Road, Mount Brydges
1 Bedroom Units​
22645 Adelaide Road, Mount Brydges
​2 Bedroom Units
534 Albert Street, Strathroy
516 Albert Street, Strathroy
22645 Adelaide Road, Mount Brydges
602 Albert Street Strathroy Ontario Rental Unit Living and Kitchen Areas
602 Albert Street Strathroy Ontario Rental Unit Master Bedroom
602 Albert Street Strathroy Ontario Rental Unit Dining and Kitchen
602 Albert Street Strathroy Ontario Rental Unit Living and Kitchen Areas
534 Albert Street Strathroy, Ont
534 Albert Street Affordable Housing
4th Floor Plan - 534 Albert Street Apartment
534 Albert Street Strathroy, Ont
159 Main St
159 Main St
86 Pine St Chatham Affordable Housing New Construction Apartment Rental
86 Pine St Chatham Affordable Housing New Construction Apartment Rental
516 Albert Street - Strathroy Apartments - Affordable Housing - West Elevation
516 Albert Street - Strathroy Apartments - Affordable Housing - East Elevation
516 Albert Street - Strathroy Apartments - Affordable Housing - West Elevation
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